Other Important Works by Richard All Wagner

The Mars Key is an action packed Sci-fi thriller that mirrors the real-life Mars One mission to colonize the Red Planet within the next few years. It's a mind boggling blend of The Martian, Raiders of the Lost Ark and 2001, a Space Odyssey with Surprises, Surprises, Surprises--plus a stunning conclusion that will take you completely by surprise! Check it out, and watch the Video Trailer!
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God and Kings is a sci-fi suspense thriller set in ancient Egypt—based on real people and events. It’s a riveting story of romance, mystery, intrigue, betrayal, plots and murder. From start to finish, this powerful novel is packed with astonishing surprises and revelations—all leading to a shocking conclusion that will leave the reader spellbound.
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The Truth About Shakespeare
For centuries we have all been told and taught that the author of the Shakespearean works was William Shakespeare from the English villiage of Stratford. Substantial evidence has come to light which proves, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the Stratford man was not the author. This website is dedicated to telling you the truth about who the real author was. But first, let us establish who the author was not.
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The Truth About The Winchester House
The highly sensationalized FOLK TALE that is fed to the public, portraying the extravagantly wealthy Mrs. Winchester as a superstitious widow who believed that evil spirits were out to get her, thus prompting her to build such a remarkably STRANGE mansion is PURE FICTION and has absolutely NO FACTUAL BASIS!
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The Truth About Sarah Winchester
Her birth name was Sarah Lockwood Pardee. She was the fifth of seven children born to Leonard Pardee and Sarah Burns. There are no existing records or any other form of factual information to establish Sarah’s date of birth—even the year remains unknown. The scarce information that survives from the historical record indicates her birth must have occurred somewhere between 1835 and 1845.
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The Movie Anonymous
The one premise that rings true in the movie Anonymous is that the man we all thought to be the true author of the Shakespearean works was NOT who we thought he was—on that issue the movie is correct, beyond that, everything else is pure fiction.
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Who Was Shakespeare
From their very inception, the Shakespearean works were shrouded in a mysterious web of secrecy—so mysterious and secret that both the historical and literary evidence strongly show that everything we think we know about the works of “Shakespeare” are the result of several highly organized conspiracies having to do with the Shakespeare myth. This article shines light on the essential elements of those conspiracies and the myth.
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